Wamtoy App
Problem: Other things can easily attract children. If the app doesn’t appeal to them the first time, it will lose users.
Simplify the process of operation, making each step very short.
Add cute illustrations, simple graphics, and short animations, and use as little text as possible to make our app more interesting.
Use 3D UI elements to engage users
Target Users: Kids (Ages 3-6), Parents, and Store owners.
Main Goal: Creating a kid-friendly iPhone app that allows kids to design toys and order toys from our bespoke toy store.
Our toy store, named Wamtoy, will provide basic models of toys for children to design by themselves. Children can choose their favorite colors, stickers, and materials to create their toys. We are a toy wonderland. In the process of designing toys, you can experience the magic and charm of creating things other than playing with toys.
Group Project - Zelin Xu and Jieyu Shen